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Saturday, 28 March 2015

How to get Luscious Lips

After a question on Instagram I had the inspiration to post some lip care information. In all honesty Michelle Phan has a pretty good video about it but I will write some things I personally have noticed and taken note of when caring for my lips. 👄
So I'll deal with:
1) Colour
2) Texture
3) Protection

Which is all you need to know about the lips on your face. I have seriously dry lips that chap easily and blister and get dark easily 👀 Care is the most important thing about any part of your body so if you have any of these issues let's begin.

1) Colour
No not as in lipsticks but for those who want to achieve the "pink lip" let me do you a favour... check your baby pictures and childhood pictures and see if your lips were ever ''pink''. Once you were a healthy individual take note of the colour of your lips. Not everyone has pink lips naturally, some people have brown lips, some pink, some red, some peach and some have mauve coloured. There are prob other colours that I'm missing but the point of the matter is pink lips are not the only colour of lips naturally.
So now if you know your lip colour/s and have noticed discolourations occurring this is for you.

Dark lips: 
NOTE: the sun can tan your lips
-If you smoke, then stop... It's not good for any part of your body.
Some lipsticks may darken your lips, not necessarily dark shades but for me the Wet n Wild matte long lasting lipsticks darken my lips.
-If you barely drink water then drink more as this hydrates the body better giving brighter skin. 6-8 glasses depending on your weight. (This is my problem)

Home remedy: Use a mixture of baking soda and water as a paste and gently scrub your lips once every two weeks. Apply a moisturizing lip balm or petroleum jelly (Vaseline) after. 

Pale lips: 
Smile more often or press your lips together to get the blood circulating and eat iron rich foods.

Blotchy lips:
Some of us bit our blistered lips to the point of scarring 😭 so all we can do is take good care of them and moisturize.

2) Texture
For the often lip peelers out thereee (me) or anyone with wrinkly lips.
These steps may be hard to keep up but do try, some of them cross with 1)Colour.
Smoother lips:
Exfoliate. Like everywhere else on the body, exfoliation is needed to keep us polished. 

Home remedy: Use a mixture of brown sugar and olive oil or honey and create a lip scrub. An alternative is using a damp cloth after taking a shower and rubbing off excess skin gently. Use this whenever you notice your lips texture have become uneven.
Wrinkly lips: 
This could be genetic or due to poor hydration. Drink more water and if they're still creased then you can do a scrub with a soft toothbrush to plump them up. More on this in 3)Protection
Here is a pic of my lips before and after a toothbrush scrub with a lip colour on. They're still swollen in the pic below but the application of the lip crayon is smooth and not globby like the before pic. You can barely see the lines on my lips unlike the before pic. 

3) Protection
"Prevention is better than cure" and it's true for most things. If you want luscious lips you have to protect them from all there is to harm them. 
The sun can darken your lips and cause wrinkles just like on any other part of your body so always wear a lip balm with SPF, especially if you like sheer gloss or bare make-up. If you wear opaque/thick lipsticks you have some level of protection from the darkening at least.
The wind if too cold or if the air is dry then your lips may chap, so use lip balm under your lipsticks and glosses or just use some Vaseline(petroleum jelly) alone to retain moisture and minimize loss to the air.
*Lipsticks can be harmful too, throw out old lipsticks to avoid an infection and stop using lipsticks which darken your lips. Any lipstick that dries out your lips like the long lasting ones are not worth it no matter the colour and lasting pay off, you'll be paying for that the next couple of days.
Protection is key to nice looking lips so try your best with this section 

My lips without lipstick only clear gloss :*

Your lips are a good indication of your overall health and I suppose that is why everyone wants baby pink lips but the reality is that not everyone can achieve that pink colour and not everyone likes pink lips (guys) So your best bet is to take care of what you got so anytime you go makeup-less your lips will be luscious, supple and shiny!😘 chu~

~Riveting R
Instagram/Twitter: @Riveting_r
Pinterest/The Hunt: Riveting R

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